Extention for 2 more years

Extention for 2 more years 150 150 Stichting United Work

Extention for 2 more years

Dear Stakeholders,

As the Stichting United Work/United Work Foundation (SUW), our Operating Permit, which we obtained for one year by the General Directorate of Civil Society Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as of 12.03.2021, is now extended for 2 more years and renewed until 12.03.2024; we would like to share this news with you, our valued business partners.

We would like to thank our state and all its authorized units for granting us this permission that will allow us to continue our services including obtaining the licenses of the workplaces established by the refugees in Turkey, matching the job seekers with registered job opportunities, providing support to the companies that want to employ refugees in their work permit application processes, providing various adaptation trainings to refugees and companies that will employ refugees, for 2 more years.

With your support, our biggest goal is to serve more people in need.

“From Refugee to Employee”

Değerli Paydaşlarımız,

Stichting United Work/United Work Vakfı (SUW) olarak 12.3.2021 tarihi itibarı ile bir seneliğine İç İşleri Bakanlığı Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından almış olduğumuz Faaliyette Bulunma İznimiz, 2 Yıl daha uzatılarak 12.3.2024 Tarihine kadar yenilenmiştir; siz değerli iş ortaklarımızla paylaşmak isteriz.

Türkiye’de yasal koşullarda bulunan sığınmacıların kurmuş oldukları iş yerlerinin ruhsatlarının alınması,  iş arayanların kayıtlı iş fırsatları ile buluşturulması, sığınmacı çalıştırmak isteyen firmalara çalışma izni başvuru süreçlerinde destek verilmesi, sığınmacılara ve sığınmacı çalıştıracak firmalara çeşitli uyum eğitimlerinin verilmesi gibi hizmetleri 2 yıl daha sunabilmemiz için bize bu izni veren devletimize ve yetkili tüm birimlerine huzurunuzda teşekkürü bir borç biliriz.

Sizlerin de desteği ile daha fazla ihtiyaç sahibine hizmet verebilmek en büyük gayemizdir.

“Sığınmacıdan Çalışana”

عناية السادة المساهمين ، 

 بصفتنا Stichting United Work / United Work Foundation (SUW) ، تم تمديد تصريح التشغيل الخاص بنا ، والذي قد حصلنا عليه لمدة عام واحد من قبل المديرية العامة لعلاقات المجتمع المدني في وزارة الشؤون الداخلية اعتباراً من تاريخ 12.03.2021 ، وقد تم تجديد هذا التصريح لمدة عامين آخرين حتى 12.03.2024 ؛ نود مشاركة هذه الأخبار معكم ، أنتم شركاء العمل الكرام معنا . 

 نود أن نشكر دولتنا وجميع مؤسساتها المعتمدة لمنحنا هذا الإذن والذي سيسمح لنا بمواصلة خدماتنا لمدة عامين آخرين , بما في ذلك الحصول على تراخيص أماكن العمل التي أنشأها اللاجئون في تركيا ، وربط الباحثين عن عمل مع فرص العمل القانونية ، وتقديم الدعم للشركات التي ترغب في توظيف اللاجئين خلال عمليات طلب تصاريح العمل الخاصة بهم ، وتوفير دورات تدريبية متنوعة بخصوص تكيف اللاجئين والشركات التي ستقوم بتوظيف اللاجئين . 

 من خلال دعمكم ، يتحقق هدفنا الأكبر وهو خدمة المزيد من الأشخاص المحتاجين لخدماتنا . 

من لاجئ إلى موظف  

Opportunity Hunting

We maintain close relations with many local, national, and international companies that are active in various industries in Turkey.

Work Permit Consulting

We help refugees and companies with the process of obtaining a work permit which is obliged for refugees according to Turkish Labour Law.

Enterprise Registration

Enterprise Registration refers to the permission of the businesses within the scope of the Regulation on Opening and Operating. Licenses.


Mapping is a search to see the labour dynamics of the targeted locations clearer from an eye of 360 degrees look.


We make the profiling of a group of candidates according to their demographical and personal skills to make a clear comparison.

Market Research

We prepare labour market reports, especially during the feasibility term of the projects to understand the market reality for donors and project owners.

What We Do?

We have designed and developed our all programs and services accordingly need and demand of refugees, host community and labour market to provision of job creation for all actors of labour market.

Our Success

We would like to share with you some of the success stories of refugees whose lives we touched.

Do you have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Subsidies are often available and provided through outside funds within differentiating conditions. You are kindly encouraged to contact United Work to request information on current subsidy possibilities.

  • Currently, there are slightly over 4 million refugees in Turkey. All refugees whom are above legal working age and whom obtain remaining conditions are considered part of United Work candidate pool.

  • Along with the headquarter in İstanbul; United Work has region offices in İzmir and Bursa. Also, United Work provides assistance to companies from all around Turkey from distance or on-site upon request.

  • Subsidies are often available and provided through outside funds within differentiating conditions. You are kindly encouraged to contact United Work to request information on current subsidy possibilities.

  • If the refugee does nt hold a Temporary Proctection ID or registered under Temporary Protection Status in a different city than the employer; a work permit application shall not be possible. United Work commits to check candidates eligibility to work permit application and direct only suitable candidates.

  • Our first mission is trying our best to find you a job. We depend on the wishes of our clients. We have an extended and varied network, so we can guarantee you a bigger chance of finding a job.

  • Our clients are mainly looking for ‘blue-collar’ workers. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, sanitation, construction, mechanical maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Also, jobs in restaurants or shops. A higher level academic education is often not required for many blue-collar jobs. However, certain fields may require specialized training, licensing or certification as well as a high school diploma.

  • No. This is our one of main mission that provide you legal working environment to save your rights.

Stichting United Work

Stichting (Foundation) United Work; is an NGO which is established and initially funded by the Dutch Government aiming to support Syrian refugees being employed in Turkey.

Contact Info

Adress Merkez Mahallesi, Norm İş Merkezi, Geçit Sokağı no 6 D:Kat 2, 34384 Şişli/İstanbul
Phone +90 212 274 63 20
E-Mail info@unitedwork.org
Website www.unitedwork.org

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